Govinda's Catering was started in 2013 by Rangadevi Hernandez because she was frustrated by the lack of vegetarian food available in the marketplace. She soon realized that finding tasty gluten-free food was as difficult as finding good vegan options. Thus she began to specialize in that niche. Since those early days, Govinda's Catering has been 100% vegan and 99% gluten-free (the 1% refers to a few dishes that we make with a faux chikken product containing both soy and vital wheat gluten).

Rangadevi is now joined by a small crew of talented kitchen and market sales staff, and together they create rotating menus of international taste delights almost every week. Folks can either join our CSA subscription or wait until Saturday to pick from our large selection of frozen entrees, grain dishes, and baked goods. However you decide to connect with us, we look forward to feeding you!



Instagram: @rangadevidasi